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CB450T serial numbers all start with JH2PC050. We now know what the numbers mean, thanks to Mark Dawber from New Zealand, who provided this location guide. In JH2PC050, the J means the country of origin is Japan. The H means the manufacturer is Honda. JH2, the first three digits, is the world manufacturer identifier. JH2 means the Hawk is a Honda motorcycle made in Japan. A Honda motorcycle made in the U.S. would begin with 1HF.
JH2 PC050 * CM00 0010 |
1982 CB450T |
Hawks start here |
JH2 PC051 * CM00 0012 |
1982 CM450C |
Custom bikes start here |
JH2 PC052 * CM00 0014 |
1982 CM450A |
Hondamatic bikes start here |
JH2 PC053 * CM00 0008 |
1982 CM450E |
Economy bikes start here |
JH2 PC054 * CM00 0015 |
1982 CB450SC |
Nighthawks start here |
PC050 in the fourth to eighth positions is the Hawk's vehicle descriptor section that refers to the Hawk's vehicle description code CB450T. All CB450T Hawks can be identified by PC050, so if the number isn't PC050, it isn't a CB450T Hawk. You can see above that Hawks are 50, while other 1982 bikes are 51 through 54. The ninth position, which you'll see is different from bike to bike on the list below, is a check digit. It's a code, either an X or a number from 0 to 9, that is used to detect errors in the VIN number.
The 10th position, C, refers to the model year 1982. All Honda 1982 motorcycles would have a C in this position. The 11th position, M, is the plant representation that tells us that CB450T Hawks were all manufactured at the Hamamatsu factory in Japan. The 12th through 17th positions indicate the production sequence number, so each Hawk has its own number. More information
So all CB450T Hawks were built in Japan. I'm curious about where they are now. Although we can't trace them all (like Clancy's, in a junkyard except for the parts he put on the 400T!) it's interesting to see where those we do know about ended up.
I wonder how many CB450T Hawks were made. Based on the VIN numbers below, there must be at least 4771 of them (4781 minus 0010). Does anyone have a Hawk serial number higher than 4781, or lower than 10? Another site, no longer available, said the CB450T Hawk serial numbers began at JH2PC050 * CM00 0011, but Evan's CB450T is 0010.
The engine numbers should be the same as the VIN numbers, but you can see in the chart below that most of them are not. In this chart, Black means black/orange and Silver means silver/blue. This page is no longer being updated, but its information remains historically interesting.